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Risking Mediocrity

by Doug Davidoff | Dec 21, 2009 4:56:27 AM

I'm the guest blogger today on  Find Your Nerve, a blog created by Steve McKee.

Steve runs an ad agency in Albuquerque, McKee Wallwork Cleveland, and is the author of “When Growth Stalls."  Steve started this blog because he wanted entrepreneurs to share their stories with other entrepreneurs and to remind people that it is in difficult times where true success is forged.  The result is an inspirational - and highly informational - source of stories that remind us all of what is important.

Today, my story is about how I first found the nerve to leave my practice at Merrill Lynch to start Imagine and further, how I responded to a crisis that could have killed our growth, but instead catapulted us.

Read more here and check out the other guest bloggers, as well!