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Doug Davidoff

How RevOps Makes Your Business More Resilient

As you may have noticed, the past couple of years have been a wild ride for businesses and, if forecasts are accurate, that unpredictability is almost guaranteed to continue. After all, the supply chain remains vulnerable, interest rates are up, inflation continues to rise both domestically and globally, a new covid variant is on the upswing, and energy prices are all over the map. Everyone can agree that these are unprecedented times.

4 Ways Your Sales Team Can Work Smarter, Not Harder

One of the traps in sales training and sales performance is that there's always been a focus on new...

Why Being Valued is More Important than Being Liked

Editor's Note: This is an updated version of one of our most widely-read articles, Being Liked vs....

5 Ways Businesses Can Scale Growth Efficiently

Back when one of my kids was still a teenager, I remember her saying her legs hurt. Two days later,...

22 Tips to Increase CRM Adoption

CRM is at the center of any serious growth effort. It's estimated that companies spend $4.6 billion...

Why Sales Enablement Is The Wrong Focus for B2B Sales

Repeat after me: "The customer has all of the control." "I embrace this fact." It’s official, the...

How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Process Improvement Mistakes and Generate Better Outcomes

Process design, including its optimization and implementation, is a core discipline for Revenue...

The 7 Phases of the Growth Life Cycle

I love maps. That’s because a good map enables you to plan, anticipate and adjust effectively. It’s...

The Problem with Forecasting: Why Sales Isn’t Working Today

The dominant approach to sales forecasting - in which every deal in a pipeline is assigned a...

There's A New Game, And Winning It Requires A New Mindset & Approach

Note from the editor: The following post is an excerpt from The Revenue Acceleration Manifesto. You...